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Terms and Conditions

The following Terms of Use (“Terms“) were recently updated in April 2024.

It’s crucial to carefully review these Terms as they establish a binding agreement between us, outlining your legal rights, remedies, and responsibilities.


At Edulenza, our mission is to enhance lives and promote knowledge through learning. We empower individuals worldwide to create and share educational content, whether they’re instructors contributing to our platform or students seeking to expand their knowledge, regardless of age or background. Our hybrid marketplace model serves as the cornerstone of delivering valuable educational resources to our diverse community.

To ensure a safe and enriching experience for all users, including students and instructors, we have established rules and guidelines for using our platform and services. These Terms govern all activities conducted on the Edulenza website, mobile applications, and related services (“Services“).

If you choose to publish a course on our platform, you must also adhere to our Instructor Terms. Additionally, we provide comprehensive information about how we handle the personal data of both our students and instructors in our Privacy Policy. These documents, along with any other applicable Edulenza policies, are integral parts of these Terms and are hereby incorporated by reference.

Please be aware that our website may transmit communications related to your browsing activities and app usage to third-party service providers who assist Edulenza. By utilizing our Services, you implicitly consent to these communications.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Accounts
  • 2. Content Enrollment and Course Access
  • 3. Payments, Credits, and Refunds
  • 4. Content and Behavior Rules
  • 5. Edulenza’s Rights to Content You Post
  • 6. Using Edulenza at Your Own Risk
  • 7. Edulenza’s Rights
  • 8. Subscription Terms
  • 9. Miscellaneous Legal Terms
  • 10. Dispute Resolution
  • 11. Updating These Terms
  • 12. How to Contact Us

1. Accounts

To engage in most activities on our platform, you’ll need to create an account. It’s essential to safeguard your password since you’re accountable for all actions associated with your account. If you suspect unauthorized use, promptly notify our Support Team. You must have reached the legal age for online service consent in your country to utilize Edulenza.

Creating and maintaining your account is necessary for various platform activities, such as purchasing or accessing content, or submitting content for publication. Ensure you provide accurate and complete information, including a valid email address.

You bear full responsibility for your account and any activities occurring on it. This includes liability for any harm or damage resulting from unauthorized account usage. Hence, exercising caution with your password is crucial.

Account transfer or usage by others is prohibited. Access to accounts will only be granted with sufficient proof of ownership. In the event of a user’s demise, their account will be closed.

Sharing your account login details is forbidden, and you’re accountable for any outcomes arising from such actions. Notify us promptly if you suspect unauthorized account usage or any security breaches.

Users, both students and instructors, must be at least 18 years old to create an Edulenza account and utilize the Services independently. For users below this age but above the required consent age for online services in their jurisdiction, parental or guardian involvement is encouraged to access appropriate content. Minors cannot create instructor accounts; violations will result in account termination. Instructor candidates may need to verify their identity as per our Instructor Terms.

Account termination is possible at any time using the provided steps, with further details available in our Privacy Policy.

2. Content Enrollment and Course Access

When you enroll in a course or other content on Edulenza, you’re granted a license solely for viewing via our platform. Attempting to transfer or resell content is strictly prohibited. Typically, a course access license is provided with course enrollment validity feature. This enrollment validity feature is the duration of course access after buying the course if the course validity period of days is over, you have to buy again the course to get access, kindly check the course validity period of days before buying any courses and this enrollment validity days varies depending on course / instructors but the Edulenza original courses guarantee of minimum enrollment validity of 28 days. , except in cases where content must be disabled due to legal or policy reasons or for enrollments via Subscription Plans.

Under our Instructor Terms, instructors grant Edulenza a license to offer content to students. Upon enrollment, you receive a license from Edulenza to view the content exclusively via our platform. Edulenza is the licensor of record, and content is licensed, not sold. This license expressly prohibits any form of resale, sharing of account information, or unauthorized downloading and distribution.

In legal terms, Edulenza grants you a limited, non-transferable license to access and view paid content solely for personal, non-commercial, educational purposes. Any other use is expressly forbidden unless explicitly permitted in writing by Edulenza.

While course access with course enrollment validity is generally granted, Edulenza reserves the right to revoke access for legal or policy reasons. This revocation does not apply to Subscription Plan enrollments or associated add-on features and services. Instructors are prohibited from directly granting licenses to students.

Live Events

Edulenza or a Teacher may host live events (“Events”) from time to time, for which you may purchase tickets (“Tickets”). The contract for ticket purchase is formed upon receipt of a confirmation email.

By submitting an offer to purchase and providing payment information, you authorize Edulenza to charge your payment method for the transaction. Additional charges may apply based on currency exchange rates or banking fees.

Events may occur in different countries, with Tickets sold in Indian Rupees. You are responsible for any additional charges or currency exchange fluctuations.

Refunds for Tickets are not guaranteed unless an Event is canceled, in which case a full refund is provided. Tickets are revocable licenses subject to entry restrictions and event guidelines. Failure to comply may result in ejection from the Event without refund.

3. Payments, Credits, and Refunds

3.1 Pricing

The prices of content on Edulenza are determined based on our Instructor Terms. Prices may vary on courses and also between our website and mobile app due to platform providers’ pricing systems and promotional policies.

Promotions and sales may offer discounted content for a limited time. The price you see at checkout will be applicable to your purchase, and some promotions may be exclusive to new users.

Currency displayed on the platform is in Indian rupees, and we do not support viewing prices in other currencies. If you reside in a country with applicable taxes, they will be included in the price or added at checkout.

3.2 Payments

By purchasing content, you agree to pay the associated fees and authorize us to charge your payment method. We accept various payment methods and work with secure payment service providers to ensure the safety of your transactions.

If your payment method fails, you agree to settle the fees within 30 days of notification. Failure to do so may result in access to the content being disabled until payment is received.

3.3 Refunds and Refund Credits

You may request a refund within 7 days of purchasing content if it does not meet your expectations. This refund option does not apply to Subscription Plan purchases.

Refunds may be credited back to your account or original payment method, depending on various factors. Requests made after the 14-day guarantee period may not be eligible for a refund, except in cases of content disablement due to legal or policy reasons.

Refund credits may be issued for future content purchases on our website and are subject to expiration dates. Abuse of our refund policy may result in denial of refund requests, account restrictions, or bans.

3.4 Gift and Promotional Codes

Gift and promotional codes provided by Edulenza or our partners can be redeemed for credits applied to your account or specific content. These credits may expire if not used within a specified period and are non-refundable unless otherwise specified.

Codes offered by partners are subject to their refund policies. Edulenza may determine the application of multiple saved credits for a purchase.

4. Content and Behavior Rules

At Edulenza, we expect all users to utilize our platform for lawful purposes and adhere to our Trust & Safety Guidelines and the law. You are accountable for all content you post on our platform and must respect the intellectual property rights of others. Repeated or significant violations may result in the suspension or banning of your account. If you suspect copyright infringement, please inform us promptly.

Lawful Use: You may only use Edulenza for lawful purposes and must comply with applicable local or national laws and regulations.

Responsibility: As a user, you are responsible for ensuring that your behavior and content align with legal requirements and our guidelines. This includes respecting copyright laws and not posting content that is not yours.

Instructor Responsibilities: Instructors must also adhere to legal standards and respect the rights of others when submitting content for publication. They are accountable for the courses, content, and interactions they facilitate on the platform.

Enforcement: If we are notified of content violations or suspect unlawful behavior, we reserve the right to remove the content from our platform. We may terminate or restrict your account for various reasons, including violation of our Terms, fraudulent activities, or at the request of law enforcement.

Termination: Upon termination of your account, your content may still be accessible on the platform. We are not liable for any consequences resulting from the termination of your account or removal of your content.

Copyright Infringement: If you believe your copyright or trademark rights have been violated, please report it to us. Our policies require instructors to respect intellectual property rights, and we take infringement claims seriously.

Our enforcement of these rules is discretionary, and we may take action as deemed necessary to maintain the integrity and safety of our platform. For more information on how to address copyright or trademark infringement, refer to our Intellectual Property Policy.

5. Edulenza’s Rights to Content You Post

When you post content on Edulenza, such as courses or comments, you still own that content. However, you grant Edulenza the right to share and promote your content through various channels, including advertising on external platforms. This allows us to distribute and promote your content effectively.

By posting content on Edulenza, you give us a broad license to use and share your content worldwide, without any compensation to you. This includes the right to modify or edit your content as needed. You also waive any privacy or publicity rights related to the use of your content. Additionally, you confirm that you have the necessary rights to authorize us to use your content in this manner.

6. Using Edulenza at Your Own Risk

Using Edulenza involves inherent risks, as it is a platform where users can create and interact with content. We do not review or edit content for legal compliance, nor do we guarantee its accuracy or reliability. You access content at your own risk and should exercise caution when interacting with others on the platform.

We are not responsible for offensive or objectionable content that you may encounter on Edulenza. Additionally, you assume all risks associated with accessing health, wellness, or physical exercise content, including the risk of injury.

When interacting with other users, be cautious about sharing personal information. While we have guidelines in place, we cannot control how others use the information they obtain from you. We do not employ instructors and are not liable for any disputes or issues that may arise between instructors and students.

Links to third-party websites may be available on Edulenza, but we are not responsible for their content or practices. You should review their terms and conditions and privacy policies before engaging with them.

7. Edulenza’s Rights

We, Edulenza, own all rights to the platform and services we provide, including the website, current and future applications, and elements like logos, API, code, and content created by our team. These are protected by copyright and trademark laws. You are not permitted to modify or use these without proper authorization.

Ownership of the Edulenza platform and services, including our website, applications, APIs, databases, and content created by our team, remains exclusively with Edulenza and its licensors. These are protected by Indian copyright, trademark, and other relevant laws. You do not have the right to use the Edulenza name or any of our trademarks, logos, or other brand features without permission. Any feedback you provide about Edulenza or our services is voluntary, and we may use it as we see fit without obligation to you.

While using the Edulenza platform and services, you are prohibited from:

  • Accessing or tampering with non-public areas of the platform, including content storage, or our computer systems.
  • Attempting to disable, interfere with, or bypass any security features of the platform.
  • Copying, modifying, or attempting to reverse-engineer any source code or content on our platform.
  • Using automated methods to access or search our platform, including scraping or spidering.
  • Sending deceptive or false information through our services or disrupting the access of other users.

These actions are strictly prohibited and may result in termination of your access to our services.

8. Subscription Terms

This section outlines the specific terms that apply to your use of our subscription-based collections as a student, known as “Subscription Plans”. By utilizing a Subscription Plan, you agree to adhere to the additional terms outlined in this section, which are governed by the agreement between Edulenza and the subscribing organization.

8.1 Subscription Plans

With a Subscription Plan, you receive a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license from us to access and view the content included in that plan via our Services. The terms mentioned in the “Content Enrollment and Course Access” section apply to enrollments via Subscription Plans, with the exception of the course access with course enrollment validity license grant.

Your Subscription Plan might offer access to interactive environments, like workspaces (“Interactive Sessions”), which may be provided by a third party subject to its own terms and conditions. You’re responsible for adhering to the terms and conditions of any third-party provider.

The scope, features, and price of your Subscription Plan are determined by the subscription you purchase or renew. Subscriptions cannot be transferred, assigned, or shared.

We reserve the right to revoke any license to access content in our Subscription Plans or change in subcription plan for legal or business plan or policy reasons at our discretion, such as if we no longer have the right to offer the content through a Subscription Plan.

8.2 Account Management

You can cancel your subscription through our Support Page. Upon cancellation, your access to the Subscription Plan will end on the last day of your billing period. No refunds or credits will be provided for fees already paid, unless required by law. Canceling a subscription does not terminate your Edulenza account.

8.3 Payments and Billing

Subscription fees are listed at the time of purchase. Taxes may be added to the subscription fee. Payments are non-refundable, and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods, except as required by law.

To subscribe, you must provide a payment method, granting us and our payment service providers the right to process payment for the applicable fees. Subscriptions will be automatically renewed, and payment will be processed at the end of each term.

If we are unable to process payment or if a chargeback is granted, we may suspend or terminate your subscription. We reserve the right to change Subscription Plans or adjust pricing at our discretion, with notice provided to you.

8.4 Interactive Session Restrictions

While using Interactive Sessions, you may not engage in certain activities, including using them for purposes other than instructed, providing web access, or disrupting our Services.

8.5 Subscription Disclaimers

We do not guarantee the availability of specific content in any Subscription Plan or any minimum amount of content. We reserve the right to modify or terminate Subscription Plans at our discretion, and we are not responsible for preserving or storing your content.

9. Miscellaneous Legal Terms

This section contains important legal terms that clarify the legal relationship between you and Edulenza.

9.1 Binding Agreement

By registering, accessing, or using our Services, you enter into a legally binding contract with Edulenza. If you disagree with these Terms, do not use our Services. If you’re using our Services on behalf of an entity, you warrant that you are authorized to do so. In case of conflict between English and Tamil versions, the English version prevails.

9.2 Disclaimers

We provide our Services “as is” and make no warranties regarding their suitability, reliability, or accuracy. We may cease certain features at any time and are not liable for interruptions. We’re not responsible for delays caused by events beyond our control.

9.3 Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge the inherent risks of using our Services and agree that we’re not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages. Our maximum liability is capped at $100 USD or the amount paid by you in the 12 months preceding the claim.

9.4 Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold Edulenza harmless from any third-party claims arising from your use of the Services or violation of these Terms. This obligation survives termination of the Terms.

9.5 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

If you’re a student in India, these Terms are governed by Indian law, with jurisdiction in Chennai. If you’re elsewhere or using our platform, Indian law still applies unless the “Dispute Resolution” section doesn’t apply to you.

9.6 Legal Actions and Notices

Any legal action must be brought within one year of the cause of action. Notices must be in writing, either by registered mail or email.

9.7 Relationship Between Us

No partnership or agency relationship exists between you and Edulenza.

9.8 No Assignment

You may not transfer these Terms, while we reserve the right to do so. Your account is non-transferable and terminates upon your death.

10. Dispute Resolution

This section outlines the procedures for resolving disputes between you and Edulenza.

10.1 Dispute Resolution Overview

Before pursuing formal legal action, both parties agree to work together to resolve disputes informally. However, if informal resolution fails, disputes must be addressed either in small claims court or through individual arbitration.

10.2 Mandatory Informal Dispute Resolution Process

Before initiating formal legal action, the claiming party must send a written statement detailing the dispute and a proposal for resolution to the other party. Both parties then attempt to resolve the dispute informally. If unresolved after 60 days, either party may proceed to small claims court or individual arbitration.

10.3 Small Claims

Disputes not resolved informally may be brought in small claims court, subject to the terms of this agreement.

10.4 Arbitration

As an alternative to small claims court, disputes may be resolved through individual arbitration. However, both parties agree not to pursue class action claims. The arbitrator’s decision is binding and enforceable in court.

10.5 General Arbitration Rules

Arbitration procedures vary depending on the nature of the claim, with specific rules outlined for consumer and commercial disputes.

10.6 Mass Arbitration Rules

Special rules apply if 25 or more claimants file substantially identical disputes against Edulenza. These rules include a bellwether procedure and mandatory mediation.

10.7 Fees and Costs

Each party bears its own costs and attorneys’ fees, except in cases of bad faith arbitration.

10.8 No Class Actions

Both parties agree not to bring claims as part of a class action, consolidated action, or representative action.

10.9 Changes

If Edulenza changes the dispute resolution section, you have the option to reject the changes within 30 days of their effectiveness.

10.10 Improperly Commenced Arbitration

If one party believes the other has initiated arbitration improperly, they may seek an injunction from a court to stop the arbitration process.

These procedures ensure a fair and efficient resolution of disputes between you and Edulenza.

11. Updating These Terms

Edulenza reserves the right to update these Terms as needed to reflect changes in practices or the addition of new features. Material changes will be notified to users via email or through our Services. Your continued use of our Services after changes are made indicates acceptance of the revised Terms.

12. How to Contact Us

For any questions, concerns, or feedback about our Services, please reach out to our Support Team. We appreciate your engagement with Edulenza and look forward to assisting you further in your teaching and learning journey!