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Empower Your Institution Together

Discover how partnering with Edulenza can revolutionize your institution’s approach to education

What We Offer to Institutions

Content License Access

Access our content license to empower your students

Edulenza Life Skill Curriculum

Equip your students with essential life skills through our curriculum

Coaching at Your School

Offline coaching at your school for a holistic education approach

Why Choose Edulenza?

Innovation in Education

Edulenza pioneers innovative teaching methods, combining microlearning, gamification

Flexibility for Institutions

Provide students with access to our library and supplement their education with coaching

Collaboration and Growth

Leverage our platform to collaborate, share knowledge, and foster growth within your institution

How Edulenza Works For Institute?

Subscription Model

Choose a subscription plan tailored to your institution’s needs. Pay based on the number of students or the level of access required

Access Verification

Once partnered, verify student email IDs to grant them access to Edulenza’s online courses and learning materials

Offline Coaching Sessions

Schedule personalized coaching sessions at your school, further enhancing the learning experience for your students

See Our Partner Success

20K+ Happy Learners

Join a thriving learning community

50+ Expert Instructors

Learn from a industry experts

200+ Micro – Courses

Access a vast library of concise courses

95% Satisfaction

Our commitment to quality education

Ready to Empower Your Institution

Contact us to explore partnership opportunities and revolutionize education with Edulenza